Rainer addresses multiple aspects to being a church member from being a unifying presence to a functioning member, from treasuring the church to praying for the leaders. He also writes that we should lay our preferences aside to maintain unity. Great concepts for members to understand yet Rainer only addresses them from the aspect of the non-leader member. He fails to apply them to leadership. It's as if there is a dichotomy between leaders and non-leaders, one which is foreign to Scripture. Membership applies equally to all in the church. Rainer's book does not.
An equally important discussion that needed to be addressed was how to live out these ideas in an unhealthy church, or worse yet a church going down a path that is unbiblical. Since churches are full of sinners these issues will arise and need to be addressed with equal weight as those in this book.
To ask people to stay in environments, particularly church environments, that are unhealthy, that are damaging to the soul is irresponsible and I would argue unbiblical (Romans 16:17; Titus 3:10; Ephesians 5:11). Being a healthy church member requires us to speak against such leadership. Church leaders, particularly those that are authors, so very often fail to address failings in church leadership and only want to write about and discuss failings in non-leaders. Books that teach on church membership and don't address this should be avoided at all costs.
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