When major life change happens, we can feel like our sense
of purpose and direction are missing. We put so much of ourselves into our
present that when the future changes we may lose who we are. I think that’s how
it should be. We should feel lost when the path we are on changes direction,
when circumstances move us into new territory. Often that new voyage feels
similar to the one we were previously on yet feels quite foreign to us and we
aren’t sure how we are to function in it.
It’s no secret that I am a planner. Being a former teacher, I had my day planned, almost to the minute. So, it is in me to want to know not just the now, but the not yet. And when I am uncertain about the future I wig out. Instead of moving, I freeze and stay put, which takes me further away from the life God has for me.
It’s no secret that I am a planner. Being a former teacher, I had my day planned, almost to the minute. So, it is in me to want to know not just the now, but the not yet. And when I am uncertain about the future I wig out. Instead of moving, I freeze and stay put, which takes me further away from the life God has for me.
It is in those times that we must turn to and trust in God and His guidance. Without Him we will be like a ship without its ruder, moving about in circles going nowhere. Often, we believe we know where we are to go, yet God either has other plans or we veered off course and He is getting us back on the trail He had for us all along.
In Proverbs 16:9 we read, "The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." This verse shows us the plans we may have, the road we
believe we should walk on, may not be where we should go. We may even believe
that we are walking on the road God has laid out for us only to be mistaken. That
is why we need to ask God daily where He would have us walking for Him in the
now. We need to seek Him, asking what path He has for us for us to walk on. We
need to search Scripture making sure we are living a life that lines up with
its teaching. Then ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen us to navigate the path
God has for us.
The course will be new. The adventures will be exciting.
With God at the helm we will go into uncharted territory prepared for the
journey He has for us.